Contributing Code & Documentation
Code Contribution
To submit your code contribution (e.g. Material Model, Element) please submit pull request to the OpenSRANE GitHub page. Please ensure that there is no merge conflict to the OpenSRANE Repo. Please include documentation!
Attention that and changes should not be push to the main repository.
To contribute documentation, submit a pull request to the OpenSRANE_Documentation GitHub page. OpenSRANE Documentation uses sphinx and reStructured Text format. A dummy example is provided below with .. NOTE: as a comment/simple description. More detailed explanation can be found in reStructured Text Basic.
reStructured Text Quickstart
.. _PageUUID: .. NOTE: This is the GLOBAL Identified for your page. Other page could dynamically link your page by calling :ref:`_PageUUID`
DummyMaterial Material .. NOTE: Page Title
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. NOTE: This mark the above text (DummyMaterial) as an subsections. "===" is for section, "---" is for subsection, "^^^" is for subsubsection and '""""""' is for paragraph.
.. function:: integrator GimmeMCK $m $c $k $ki .. The Function input for your model/element
.. list-table:: .. NOTE: Preferred Table Setup. If you need more columns, add an integer value to the widths. Note that this will add columns to every row!
:widths: 10 10 40
:header-rows: 1
* - Argument .. * marks a new row and - fill a column in the row (left-right order)
- Type
- Description
* - $m
- |float|
- If the value is not zero, add mass matrix to tangent matrix with factored value as large as the input.
* - $c
- |float|
- If the value is not zero, add damping matrix to tangent matrix with factored value as large as the input.
* - $ki
- |float|
- If the value is not zero, add the tangent stiffness matrix to tangent matrix with factored value as large as the input.
* - $kt
- |float|
- If the value is not zero, add the initial stiffness matrix to tangent matrix with factored value as large as the input.
.. math:
\textrm{reStructured Text support Latex Math} \leq \frac{a} {b}
:math:`\frac{a}{b}` In Line Maths
.. note:: .
* This is a note
.. admonition:: Example:
1. **Python Code**
.. code-block:: python
Code Example for Python Interpreter